Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How Necessary was Britains policy of Appeasement Towa essays

How Necessary was Britain's policy of Appeasement Towa essays How necessary was Britains policy of appeasement towards Germany in the 1930s? Appeasement was the honourable policy of recognising that a country has grievances, which should be addressed so that negotiations can be brought around to avoid war. Britain really wanted to avoid war after the damage and devastation caused to them during World War One. The first reason why Britain appeased Germany was that she felt that the treaty of Versailles, which was a diktat put on Germany, was too harsh. The treaty of Versailles said that all Germanys colonies were to be take of her and given to the allies to administer. Their army was reduced to 100,000 men who would serve twelve years and they were not allowed any tanks, air force, and submarines and were only allowed a coastal fleet of ships. They were ordered to demilitarise the Rhineland, give back the Polish Corridor and were forbidden to unite with Austria. Germany also had to pay reparations to the allies. This treaty also lost Britain some trade as a result of it as Germany was so weak that she could not afford to trade with Britain. After the damage and the devastation caused by World War One Britain felt she was unprepared to fight against Germany so she felt that it would be better to appease Germany at least until she had built up her military forces. Britain felt she was economically weak and could not afford to do this and go to war but the problem she had was not that she didnt have the money for it she didnt want to spend the money she did have on defences. If Britain did end up going to war they did not have any reliable allies. Frances was not reliable to help because she was weak and also her government kept changing from left wing to right wing and didnt know what she was doing. This was proving the case when they were at war in June 1940 they collapsed within six weeks. The USA was not a reliable allay because she did no...

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