Friday, November 1, 2019

Cambodia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cambodia - Essay Example This was a strategy to strengthen their rule in their territory. The modernization of the monetary system in Cambodia by introducing the tax system to the natives would be necessary (Corfield, 2009). The surrounding waters facilitated most of the transportation activities in the colonial territory. The water from the sea was used for irrigation activities on the rice plantation. Industries relied on water for running most of their activities such as rubber processing. Additionally, the colonizers constructed watchtowers for guarding their territories on the surrounding waters. The impacts of colonial activities are still evident in the modern day Cambodia. As such, the natives are educating themselves based on the teachings of their colonizers. Cambodia is trading in rubber and corn as it was during colonialism (Corfield, 2009). The colonization process developed the infrastructure in use today during their rule in Cambodia. Cambodia is still trading with the French. Moreover, the country exports rice as one of their main cash crop as it was in the past. If the area were to be colonized, it would be better to commercialize trade throughout Cambodian colonial territory. Restriction on relationship with the Chinese will be eliminated for the benefit of the entire masses. Nationalism should be introduced in line with the principles advocated for by the traditional monarchs (Corfield, 2009). This will minimize the resistance that the colonizers faced from the natives. It is expected that Cambodians will adopt some of the aspects of life introduced to them by the colonizers to suit their own

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