Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Anthropology essay

Energy captured, production, population, and exchange are all evident in various cultures and societies throughout time. Because these factors affect all humans and societies equally, they must all equally be accounted for within that particular culture/society methods of sustainability. The first example I will use to Illustrate this point will be Britain's empire during the 16th-18th centuries. Britain at the time had Its scope of influence include over 15th of the world's entire population. This expansive effort to colonize or commercialism by sea led to Britain's global dominance during the era.By establishing colonies and trade routes throughout the world, Brutal was able to use human labor In various colonies to grow cash crops and food to serve Britain's empire (economy). This was especially Important considering Britain's geography and land made for a poor agrarian society. Using wind and human labor, the British were able to build ships and a powerful navy to traverse the 7 oceans for profit, production, and exchange. My second example will be the pilgrims and settlers of the 13 original colonies before the American Revolution.The original pilgrims and settlers of the 13 original colonies ere largely unsuccessful in their attempts to establish colonies in North America. It took a few tries before the colonies became fully established and functioning; illness, starvation, and a lack of sustainable resources lead to death for many in these starter colonies. Because these initial immigrants lacked the resources or knowledge to cultivate the land effectively, they experienced hardships until they learned how to collaborate with others.Luckily for them, the pilgrims and settlers began bartering and learning to hunt and cultivate crops with the French and Native-American peoples of North America at the time. While we are all aware that the Native Americans and settlers did not always get along due to conflicts over land and power, they did however, stand to learn and gain from each other's technology for the self- preservation of their own societies/cultures when they were not at odds with one another.My third and last example will be the Egyptians that built the Ancient Egyptian empire/the Pyramids thousands of years before Christ. Geographically speaking, Egypt was poised to be one of the ancient world's superpowers due to Its location next to the Nile River. Without the Nile, Egypt simply could not have come to existence due to its arid desert climate. Production, population, and Egyptian society flourished because sustainability was possible due to the Nile River allowing agriculture, trade, and expansion to exist.The Importance of the Nile River to Ancient Egypt culture and way of life was evident In their polytheistic religion – they prayed/ made tributes to their gods whom they believed controlled the Sun, the Nile, etc. Anthropology essay By annoyances culture/society methods of sustainability. The first example I will u se to illustrate had its scope of influence include over 15th of the world's entire population. This Britain was able to use human labor in various colonies to grow cash crops and food to serve Britain's empire (economy).This was especially important considering Britain's geography and land made for a poor agrarian society. Using wind and human labor, the British were able to build ships and a powerful Ana to traverse the Egypt was poised to be one of the ancient world's superpowers due to its location agriculture, trade, and expansion to exist. The importance of the Nile River to Ancient Egypt culture and way of life was evident in their polytheistic religion – they prayed/

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